4Pc Western Mah Jong Rack/Pusher
Item Number: 2400CRP
Product Description |
This set of 4 "all-in-one" rack and pusher comination measures 18" long and 3.5" wide. The rack and pusher are permanently attached, and do not come apart, providing added convenience as there is no assembly/disassembly required. The pusher swings out (well past 90 degrees) to push out your wall, functioning exactly the same as the old style rack and pusher. This "all-in-one" rack and pusher comination set is made of durable and clear acrylic. NOTE: "all-in-one" version of rack and pusher does not come with a metal clip attached to rack for money chips. If you need this metal clip, purchase the older style racks, not the "all-in-one".
Bizrate Store Ratings Summary
American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
Customer Certified
Over 500 verified customers have rated this store
9.7 out of 10
9.6 out of 10
9.4 out of 10
9.5 out of 10
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Bizrate Store Ratings Summary
American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
Customer Certified
Over 500 verified customers have rated this store
9.7 out of 10
9.6 out of 10
9.4 out of 10
9.5 out of 10
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Bizrate Store Ratings Summary
American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
Customer Certified
Over 500 verified customers have rated this store
9.7 out of 10
9.6 out of 10
9.4 out of 10
9.5 out of 10
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Bizrate Store Ratings Summary
American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
Customer Certified
Over 500 verified customers have rated this store
9.7 out of 10
9.6 out of 10
9.4 out of 10
9.5 out of 10
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Bizrate Store Ratings Summary
American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
Customer Certified
Over 500 verified customers have rated this store
9.7 out of 10
9.6 out of 10
9.4 out of 10
9.5 out of 10
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